7th Energy Research Programme “Innovations for Energy Turnaround“
Application period: 18.02.2019 – 30.06.2021
The 7th Energy Research Programme “Innovations for Energy Turnaround” of the Federal Government provides the framework for research funding and innovation policy in the energy sector. As a strategic element of energy policy, the programme is oriented towards energy system transformation. The core objectives of energy policy by 2050 are to halve primary energy consumption compared with 2008 and to achieve a share of renewable energies of 60% of gross final energy consumption.
The basic prerequisite for this is the acceleration of technology and innovation transfer in order to lay the foundations for efficient implementation of the energy system transformation across the electricity, heat and transport sectors.
Within the 7th Energy Research Programme, the BMBF is continuously aligning its research priorities with the needs of the energy system transformation. Funding will be provided for research and development of innovative energy technologies in the basic field that can make a significant contribution to the success of the energy system transformation.
Priority areas for action are:
Grant recipient and amount of the grant
Universities and non-university research institutions with research and development capacities in Germany as well as commercial enterprises and other legal entities under public or private law are eligible to apply.
A prerequisite for the funding is an expected scientific progress and a high chance of realisation and success in the sense of this announcement. Applicants must be able to demonstrate, through relevant scientific preparatory work.
The assessment basis for grants to commercial enterprises is the eligible project-related costs. As a rule, these can be financed by up to 50 % of the shares. The BMBF has currently commissioned the project management agency Jülich to handle the funding process. The application procedure consists of two stages.
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